FRISO Launches First-Ever ‘Good Poop Advisory Panel’ in Singapore

In conjunction with World Digestive Health Day on 29 May, Friso has launched a nationwide campaign to drive awareness of the importance of good gut health in young children.

As part of the FRISO Good Poop Matters, Baby! campaign helmed by David Naidu, General Manager - FrieslandCampina, we have on board with us rotating guest experts - Dr. Christina Ong, Paediatrician and Paediatric Gastroenterologist, SOG - Christina Ong Clinic for Children and Gastroenterology, Ms. Bibi Chia, Principal Dietitian, Raffles Diabetes & Endocrine Centre and as they share their insights on digestion through compelling educational materials as well as virtual Q&A sessions in the month of June.

For the recent interview on CNA 983 “Money Mind” we have gathered a few key takeaways from our experts on the importance of digestion because your body needs nutrients to work properly and stay healthy.


Q: What defines “good poop”, especially for children? What should we be looking out for?

A: if you are passing motion regularly, once every 2 to 3 days, without your stools being too watery or hard. Check out the Bristol chart on how healthy poop looks like.



Q: Why did you decide to put together a good poop advisory panel?

A: At Friso, we believe in the importance of a natural approach to good digestion for young children. Parents are ultimately more concerned about the outcome of digestion i.e poop. The panel assembled is carefully selected for their expertise and wealth of knowledge.


Q: Why is digestion so important?

A: In order for us to absorb good nutrients well is to have good digestion! One of the ways is to make sure that our diets are made out of natural foods - that we eat a good balance of foods from different food groups.


Q: What can parents do to encourage children to eat their greens?

A: Never give up! Parents present food items to children 8 - 10 times before concluding whether or not they like it. Another suggestion is to compartmentalize the plate, putting the vegetables at the side. Slowly, children will accept the greens.


Look forward to more exciting campaign activities and Q&A session with our panelists coming soon!


‘good poop advisory panel’