20% all year round


for any plan sign-up


Order once, cancel anytime*


Min. 12 months


20% all year round


Order once, cancel anytime*


for any plan sign-up


Min. 12 months

How it works


Choose your product

Simply add your desired product(s) to cart.


Checkout as usual

Checkout to confirm your recurring subscription payment plan! You will receive a confirmation of your payment, plus order confirmation from Friso Online that your subscription has been set up successfully.


Receive your order!

Your order will be delivered to your doorstep every month! You'll receive a confirmation email each time your order is created and dispatched during your subscription period.

Choose your Subscription

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Frequently Asked Questions

How does the Friends of Friso subscription plan work?

The Friends of Friso subscription plan offers Friso users the option to purchase a 3-tin bundle of Friso Gold 3 with 2’-FL 900g/Friso Gold 4 with 2’-FL 900g (the recommended monthly intake for your child) on an automated monthly subscription delivery system. The minimum commitment period is 6 months. 

Once you’ve made your first order, payment, delivery, and order confirmation for the subsequent months would be triggered on the same date of each month. For example, if you made your first order on 6 Sep 2021, your next payment will be triggered on 6 Oct 2021. Delivery will take 2 – 3 working days.

Is there a specific date which I can make my order?

You may place your order on any day of the month. However, do note that your subsequent deliveries will be triggered on the same date of each recurring month as the date you made your first order. For example, if you made your first order on 6 Sep 2021, your next order will be triggered on 6 Oct 2021.

When will I be charged for my order?

Your order will be triggered on the same date of each recurring month as the date you made your first order. For example, if you made your first order on 6 Sep 2021, your next payment will be triggered on 6 Oct 2021. Delivery will take about 2 – 3 working days.

What happens after I sign up? 

Upon signing up for our subscription plan, you will receive 3 tins of your ordered item (either Friso Gold 3 with 2’-FL, or Friso Gold 4 with 2’-FL) within 2 – 3 working days once your order is confirmed and payment, successfully made.  

For deliveries in the subsequent months, 

  • Payment will be triggered and automatically processed on the same date of each recurring month as the date you made your first order. You will receive your order within 2 – 3 working days once payment is successful.
  • Subscription will continue until you choose to cancel. Please note that there is a 6-month commitment period, during which cancellation is not allowed.

When will my order be despatched?

The minimum commitment period for this subscription plan is 6 months. Unfortunately, changes to the product during this period is not allowed.

Are there any sign-up fees?

There are no sign-up charges for the Friends of Friso subscription plan. There is only a 6-month commitment period, after which you may cancel this subscription at any time.

Do I pay monthly for this subscription?

Yes, the payment will only be deducted from your credit card on the same date of each recurring month as the date you made your first order. For example, if you made your first order on 6 Sep 2021, your next payment will be triggered on 6 Oct 2021. The payment process will be automated.

When will my next delivery be?

Monthly recurring subscription orders will happen on the same day of the month as your first order, and delivery will be arranged automatically and delivered to you within 2-3 working days after successful monthly payment.  

As a gauge, here is the standard delivery schedule for orders

  • For orders purchased before 11am on Mondays - Fridays, it will be delivered during the next working day
  • For orders purchased after 11am on Mondays - Thursdays, it will be delivered during the following working day
  • For orders purchased after 11am on Fridays, or weekends, it will be delivered on Tuesday.

Can I change my delivery dates?

Unfortunately, the delivery schedule of the subscription plan is automated to happen on the same day of the month as your first order . Hence, we are unable to change the delivery period.

If you are unavailable to receive your items during any month, you may indicate your delivery instructions accordingly. Examples could be to place it in the shoe rack, riser. Alternatively, you may change your delivery address for that month to another address to receive on your behalf. Please note that new addresses need to be received 3 working days before your order renewal date. You may switch back to your original address after this delivery.

Can I change my product assortment under my subscription?

No. If you are looking to increase the number of bundle(s) delivered to you monthly, you will need sign-up for a new subscription plan for the additional bundle(s).

If you are looking to switch your product range, you will need to cancel your current subscription plan and sign-up for a new subscription with new product assortment. Please note that cancellation can only happen after completion of the minimum commitment period of 6 months.  

Can I select the frequency of my order delivery to be weekly or quarterly?

At this point, we only offer monthly subscription plans. 

Can I select the number of tins to order?

At this point, we only offer a 3-tin bundle for each subscription plan. But we’re constantly looking for ways to improve our service to suit your needs better so please feel free to share any feedback you have with us.  

Can I cancel the subscription plan after I sign up?

The minimum commitment period for the subscription plan is 6 months. You may choose to cancel the plan after the minimum commitment period.

Will my plan continue to run automatically after minimum commitment period of 6 months?

Yes, subscription plan will continue until you choose to cancel

Will I be able to earn Friso Reward Points for the subscription service?

The Friends of Friso subscription plan provides the best promotions/discounts. Hence, orders made under the subscription plan will not be eligible for Friso Reward Points.