Welcome to the FrieslandCampina Employee e-store page. Here you can make the purchase for your Friso Gold Stage 3 for your little one.

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Sold out

Purchase your tins within 4 steps:

  1. Add the Friso Gold Stage 3 product to your cart
  2. View your cart & Pick your desired time slot for Home Delivery.
  3. Checkout and apply your discount code (you will receive a monthly code from HR once you have successfully opt into this program till your child reaches 30 months old)
  4. Complete payment process (note that Corporate Credit Card cannot be used here)
  5. Submit your claims via the expense claim process – refer to claim procedure as detailed in the Employee Handbook


We aim to home deliver your products within 48 hours (workings days) with a guaranteed minimal shelflife of 12 months.